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By Dr. Jeremy Goldberg
Tear and share poems to make kindness cool! This is a book of inspirational words meant to be read, shared, and (quite literally) torn apart and left behind. In these pages, you will discover beautiful and encouraging insights - words that will keep you fighting and ask you never to give up on life or yourself. The "love bombs" contained in these pages are a light amidst the darkness. Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a stranger to brighten their day. Pages are perforated so you can easily tear and share, frame, or leave behind.
Paperback. 6 x 6 inches.
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I Am The Hero Of My Own Life Guided Journal Book By Brianna Wiest This is the guide to getting out of your own way. This guided journal will help...
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Danica Gim The Magic Within Book by Danica Him "The Magic Within" is a guided journal filled with magical illustrations and captivating writing prompts which invite you on a journey...
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By Brianna Wiest Transforming self-sabotage into self-mastery. This book is about self-sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it - for good. Coexisting...
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by Brianna Wiest. This is the year you change your life. There's a saying that when the moment comes, you don't need words on a page, you need new thoughts...